Product information "Stair edge profile 3-layer continuous"
Product info:
The STAIRS EDGE PROFILE FORT-RUNNING is suitable for horizontal & vertical cladding of steps and is made to measure for you individually from your original parquet floor. Your parquet flooring and your staircase are thus optimally matched to each other, as the colour tone, grading and surface harmonise perfectly.
approx. 45 x 100 to 130 x 1100/1500/1800mm (5% dimensional tolerance) The width varies depending on the Typ of parquet used.
Stair nosing profile - made from 3-layer finished parquet. The profile milling on the long side is retained, allowing original floorboards to be connected. The edges of the stair profile are slightly rounded and re-oiled or re-varnished. Slight differences in the gloss level of re-oiled or re-varnished areas are possible.
Order unit:
1 pc.
The stair nosing profile is glued over the entire surface of flat, compact step edges using a suitable installation or parquet adhesive. Subsequently, the profile is supplemented horizontally & vertically with original floorboards.
Care instructions:
With regard to the room climate, the same guidelines apply to all original stair nosing profiles, stair treads and skirting boards as for finished parquet. Ensure a uniform relative humidity of approx. 50-60%. Humidifiers should be used to ensure that the air humidity does not fall significantly below this level during the heating season.
The price per element depends on the length of the tread and the price of the parquet floor from which the treads are made. In order to avoid mistakes and misunderstandings, we are also happy to advise you by telephone when ordering treads and stair nosing profiles.
Customer evaluation for "Stair edge profile 3-layer continuous"
Location:Staad, SchweizOn:25 Aug 2011
Hallo Parkett-Agentur.Anbei ein paar Bilder unseres Hauses, das wir mit den schönen Landhausdielen von euch, verbaut haben.Ebenso erfreuen wir uns täglich an unserem großen Tisch aus demselben Holz. Auf einem Bild seht Ihr einen weissen Hochglanz Salontisch mit selbst gemachtem Sockel aus Restmaterial der Eichendielen.Wir haben viel Freude an den Landhausdielen und haben Euch schon mehrmals weiterempfohlen.
The STAIRS EDGE PROFILE FORT-RUNNING is suitable for horizontal & vertical cladding of steps and is made to measure for you individually from your original parquet floor. Your parquet flooring and your staircase are thus optimally matched to each other, as the colour tone, grading and surface harmonise perfectly.
approx. 45 x 100 to 130 x 1100/1500/1800mm (5% dimensional tolerance) The width varies depending on the Typ of parquet used.
Stair nosing profile - made from 3-layer finished parquet. The profile milling on the long side is retained, allowing original floorboards to be connected. The edges of the stair profile are slightly rounded and re-oiled or re-varnished. Slight differences in the gloss level of re-oiled or re-varnished areas are possible.
Order unit:
1 pc.
The stair nosing profile is glued over the entire surface of flat, compact step edges using a suitable installation or parquet adhesive. Subsequently, the profile is supplemented horizontally & vertically with original floorboards.
Care instructions:
With regard to the room climate, the same guidelines apply to all original stair nosing profiles, stair treads and skirting boards as for finished parquet. Ensure a uniform relative humidity of approx. 50-60%. Humidifiers should be used to ensure that the air humidity does not fall significantly below this level during the heating season.
The price per element depends on the length of the tread and the price of the parquet floor from which the treads are made. In order to avoid mistakes and misunderstandings, we are also happy to advise you by telephone when ordering treads and stair nosing profiles.
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