Country House Plank Oak Arctic hand-planed white oiled

Country House Plank Oak Arctic hand-planed white oiled

Article number: 60210-15189
To 49 €80,40/m²
50 - 99 €77,40/m²
from 100 €74,40/m²
From €74,40/m²
(less. 2% cash discount, €78.79/m²)
instead of RRP* €97,80/m²
You save -23%
( 2.81 m² / Pkt. )

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Delivery time 1-2 weeks


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  • 60210-15189
Typ: COUNTRY HOUSE PLANK Wood species: OAK Sorting: LIVELY Lively appearance,... more

Product information "Country House Plank Oak Arctic hand-planed white oiled"

Wood species:OAK
Sorting:LIVELY Lively appearance, distinct differences in colour & structure, knots, dark-cemented knots & cracks, low sapwood content
Useful layer:ca. 3,8mm
body type:3-layer construction, Uniclic system with push-button locking on the face side, perfect fit and high installation comfort.
Order unit:2,81m²
Planks per package:8 planks
Installation:We generally recommend full-surface gluing with WILDBRETT HARTELASTISCH WEICHMACHERFREI 1-K MS parquet adhesive (consumption: approx. 1.8 to 2.0 kg/m² with notched trowel PK8/ B17) on ready-to-lay screed, as well as additional H-gluing of the floorboards. Before bonding, the screed must be primed with WILDBRETT PU-EXPRESS primer. With regard to requirements for the screed, subsurface preparation or screed compensation, the current parquet AGENCY laying instructions must be taken into account. For professional moisture measurement, we refer to the currently valid guideline for determining the moisture in screeds of the permanent expert committee of the federal professional group of floor layers. The guidelines and installation instructions are available for download at
Underfloor heating: Suitable for full-surface bonding on screeds with hot water underfloor heating. The maximum surface temperature of the floor on hot water underfloor heating should not exceed 26°C according to generally applicable guidelines. Especially with darker floors, adequate shading should be provided, as direct sunlight in combination with underfloor heating can lead to high surface temperatures and thus to under-drying of the floorboards.
Roomclimate:To maintain the value and dimensional stability of parquet floors, care should be taken to maintain a uniform relative humidity of approx. 50-60% at average room temperatures of approx. 20 degrees. To ensure that the recommended humidity level is not significantly undercut during the heating period, an air humidifier should be used if necessary! Furthermore, sufficient shading is recommended.
Scale price:Prices depend on the quantity ordered. The best price listed is valid from 100m².
Hint:Wood is a lively natural product and each plank is unique. Therefore, samples and photos can only represent an excerpt from the natural colour & structure spectrum. In addition, light woods become darker and dark woods lighter due to the influence of light. Deviations regarding wood structure, colour spectrum and basic colour tone between samples and delivered goods are in the nature of things, underline the natural product wood and are no reason for complaint.
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Customer evaluation for "Country House Plank Oak Arctic hand-planed white oiled"
Ennsdorf, Österreich 2 May 2012

Von Kundenberatung bis zur Qualität alles Top.

Seefeld, Österreich 15 Oct 2012

Hallo, ich bin mit unserem neuem Boden sehr zufrieden und möchte auf diesem Wege der Firma Parkett Agentur zu ihrem äußerst engagierten, kompetenten und freundlichen Mitarbeiter (Hr. Albrecht) gratulieren.... Freundliche Grüße Überegger

Hof, Österreich 14 Feb 2013

Wie bei vielen Dingen im Leben, kam auch ich aufgrund einer Empfehlung zur Parkett Agentur.. mir war der Sinn nach etwas anderem. Nicht nach Standard Baumarkt oder Möbelhaus Produkten zu Preisen die leistbar sind. Ich habe gestern meinen Boden im Schlafzimmer verlegt und muss sagen, dass Ergebnis ist wirklich wunderschön... Ich freue mich bereits auf den Boden fürs Wohnzimmer... natürlich von der Parkett Agentur

Düdingen, Schweiz 17 Jan 2013

Vielen Dank für die Beratung, den prompten Service und den wunderbaren Parkett-Boden!!Unser Bodenleger hat die Verarbeitung als einfach und qualitativ hochstehend gelobt, wäre selten...Wir sagen danke, wir lieben den Boden und freuen uns auf das nächste Parkett-Agentur Projekt bei der Praxis-Renovation.Mit besten GrüssenFr. Fretz

Brittnau, Schweiz 27 Aug 2015

KomplettumbauNeu verpackt in Holz

Klaus, Österreich 28 Apr 2016

Alles wunderbar - vielen Dank nochmal für alles! Der Boden ist genial! :)

Ottikon, Schweiz 4 Apr 2011

Schon etwas komisch - man entscheidet sich für einen Parketttypen, sucht im Internet, trifft auf die Parkett-Agentur, wird freundlich und kompetent beraten und dann "auf gut Glück" die Vorauszahlung. Wird nun wohl alles klappen?
Es hat geklappt. Es hat sogar äusserst gut geklappt. Die Lieferung war prompt, das Material makellos und der nun komplett verlegte Boden ist sensationell. Und gegenüber einer lokalen Beschaffung habe ich sage und schreibe 50% (!!!!) eingespart und obendrauf alles noch 3 Wochen früher gekriegt. Ein ganz grosses Kompliment!

Goldiwil, Schweiz 29 Sep 2011

Wertes Parkett . Team
Wir haben sehr grosse Freude an unserem neuen Boden!
Die tel. Beratung und die rasche Lieferung hat uns überzeugt. Einen kleinen Mängel habe ich festgestellt: Einige Dielen waren nicht rechtwinklig gefräst worden, was beim Verlegen etwas Verwirrung verursachte. Da ich jedoch genügend Reserve eingerechnet habe, konnte ich das Werk trotzdem vollenden.
Freundliche Grüsse
Heinz Hofer


T: +43 (0)59 6814 0 | F: +43 (0)59 6814 99 |

Country House Plank Oak Arctic hand-planed white oiled

To 49 €80,40/m²
50 - 99 €77,40/m²
from 100 €74,40/m²
From €74,40/m²
(less. 2% cash discount, €78.79/m²)
instead of RRP* €97,80/m²
You save -23%
( 2.81 m² / Pkt. )
incl. 20% VAT
excl. shipping costs

1-2 weeks

Art.Nr.: 60210-15189

15x189x1860mm 60210-15189 from€74.40

PREMIUM BASIC CE-Kennzeichnung Vorgeölte Oberfläche und Endfertig geölte Oberfläche Dfl-s1 Brandschutz
Wood species:OAK
Sorting:LIVELY Lively appearance, distinct differences in colour & structure, knots, dark-cemented knots & cracks, low sapwood content
Useful layer:ca. 3,8mm
body type:3-layer construction, Uniclic system with push-button locking on the face side, perfect fit and high installation comfort.
Order unit:2,81m²
Planks per package:8 planks
Installation:We generally recommend full-surface gluing with WILDBRETT HARTELASTISCH WEICHMACHERFREI 1-K MS parquet adhesive (consumption: approx. 1.8 to 2.0 kg/m² with notched trowel PK8/ B17) on ready-to-lay screed, as well as additional H-gluing of the floorboards. Before bonding, the screed must be primed with WILDBRETT PU-EXPRESS primer. With regard to requirements for the screed, subsurface preparation or screed compensation, the current parquet AGENCY laying instructions must be taken into account. For professional moisture measurement, we refer to the currently valid guideline for determining the moisture in screeds of the permanent expert committee of the federal professional group of floor layers. The guidelines and installation instructions are available for download at
Underfloor heating: Suitable for full-surface bonding on screeds with hot water underfloor heating. The maximum surface temperature of the floor on hot water underfloor heating should not exceed 26°C according to generally applicable guidelines. Especially with darker floors, adequate shading should be provided, as direct sunlight in combination with underfloor heating can lead to high surface temperatures and thus to under-drying of the floorboards.
Roomclimate:To maintain the value and dimensional stability of parquet floors, care should be taken to maintain a uniform relative humidity of approx. 50-60% at average room temperatures of approx. 20 degrees. To ensure that the recommended humidity level is not significantly undercut during the heating period, an air humidifier should be used if necessary! Furthermore, sufficient shading is recommended.
Scale price:Prices depend on the quantity ordered. The best price listed is valid from 100m².
Hint:Wood is a lively natural product and each plank is unique. Therefore, samples and photos can only represent an excerpt from the natural colour & structure spectrum. In addition, light woods become darker and dark woods lighter due to the influence of light. Deviations regarding wood structure, colour spectrum and basic colour tone between samples and delivered goods are in the nature of things, underline the natural product wood and are no reason for complaint.